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The Long Dark How To Save

  • Today we are talking to DeserterX a long time member of our Nexus Mods community and author of many incredibly detailed armour mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. BigBizkit: Thanks, DeserterX, for joining us today: as always, we like to start the interview off by you telling us a bit about yourself.
  • In harder difficulties, it may also be approaching nightfall or already dark, and, in some cases, bad weather may move in quickly. Although survival mode is intended to be a permadeath experience, some players back up game saves periodically so that if they die, they can load the backed-up save and continue.
  • Other The Long Dark Guides: All Regions Maps. Surviving Over 200 Days. Grey Mother - Light Up the Night. A Guide to Wolves. Introduction Welcome to my guide for the Story Mode of The Long Dark! I decided to write this guide after seeing the vast number of questions on the discussion thread relating to progressing through Wintermute.

Jun 30, 2018  Ways to save progress in the Survivor mode: 1. Enter an indoor location or a cave with a loading screen (so, Mountaineer's hut doesn't count) 2. Sleep for any amount of time - the game will save on waking. Activate 'PASS TIME' (playing cards) for 1+ hours and let it complete - the game will save once the passage of time finishes.

The Long Dark, first released on the 22nd September 2014, received mixed responses from players with review scores of 75% on Metacritic and 9/10 on Steam. Behringer x32 output routing. Whilst some fan were quick to comment on the game’s good mechanics and challenging survival mode, some criticized its bland story line and technical glitches.

As an exploration survival game, The Long Dark is set in an open world environment set in a Canada’s sub-zero wilderness. Players take control of a pilot character from a third-person perspective who’s plane has crashed following a storm. They are tasked with having to fight the freezing temperatures and harsh weather conditions, as well as finding resources to help them survive for as long as possible. Download pen tool for photoshop elements.

Available in single-player mode only, the game was developed and published by Hinterland Studio and is accessible on platforms including Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

The Long Dark Save Location

If you're a player of The Long Dark, knowing where your save files are located can come in super handy. At first thought, this might seem like a rather pointless piece of knowledge to have, but here's just a few examples what you can do with them:

The long dark how to save game
  • Create a backup of your save files
  • Share your save with friends
  • Transfer a save game to a new computer
  • Modify or edit your save
  • A whole host of other things!

Anyhow, enough of us telling you about why, below we've outlined where you can find your save locations on each operating system.


When playing The Long Dark on a Windows PC, your saves will be stored in this folder:

To access that path:

  1. Press WINDOWS + R on your keyboard to open a Run window
  2. Paste the path into the text field of the newly opened Run Window (%LocalAppData%HinterlandTheLongDark)
  3. Hit OK and you'll be taken to the save folder!


On Mac, your The Long Dark save files are located in the following folder: Cd 18 texas.

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The Long Dark How To Save In Survival Mode

  1. Open a Finder window
  2. Press COMMAND + SHIFT + G to open the Go tool
  3. Paste the above path into the text field (~/.local/share/Hinterland/TheLongDark)
  4. Hit Go and there you are in your save game location!

The Long Dark How To Save Progress


The Long Dark How To Save

The Long Dark on Linux-based operating systems stores save files in the following directory:

The Long Dark How To Save
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